Friday, February 12, 2016

February #PetBloggerBloopers!

Clearly, it was too early for a photo.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dog-Friendly #Hanukkah Gelt

Hanukkah is almost here and I can't wait!  With all of the presents, dreidels, candles, and latkes - Hanukkah is such a festive winter holiday.  But there is one Hanukkah tradition that I have always missed out on, until now:  HANUKKAH GELT!  Wait, I know what you're thinking, "nooo Daisy, stay away from the chocolate!!!!!"  This gelt is different; it's made out of 100% completely dog-friendly ingredients which means that I get inhale enjoy some this year, too.  Even though I don't normally share my food, you all are some of my bestest friends, so I am sharing my recipe with you.  And since sharing is caring (especially when there is food involved) please share this recipe with your bestest dog friends, too!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links.  This means that if you click and/or purchase an item using these links, I receive a small commission.  These commissions help to support my blog, as well as my bacon addiction.  Thank you for your continued support, friends!

First, gather all of your ingredients and materials.  Here's what you'll need:

 Now, it's time to get started.  Combine the carob chips and coconut oil in a your bowl or top portion of your double boiler.  A taste test at this point is completely acceptable.  [Sidenote: notice that one teaspoon of coconut oil is missing in this photo.  That's because I used my chameleon-like tongue to grab the coconut oil while my human snapped the photo.  My human didn't worry though, because coconut oil is good for dogs.]

Heat up your double boiler or, if you are like me and using a pot and bowl, put some water in your pot (approximately 1/2 c. - 1 c.) and heat over medium heat.  Place your owl over the pot (or, just use your double boiler) and stir the carob chips and oil frequently.  Ultimately, the consistency should look like this:

Next, carefully spoon the melted carob chips into your mold.  It is best to recruit a human with steady hands (and thumbs) for this step.

Once your mold is filled, place it in the refrigerator to chill for approximately thirty minutes.  Meanwhile, go ahead and cut your foil squares (or simply open your package of Wilton Foil Candy Wrappers - so much easier).

After the carob has chilled and become solid, simply pop the coins out of the mold and wrap in foil.

 Then pose for a photo and give your human the saddest eyes possible until they give you a piece. 

Oh, and don't forget to capture your first taste on video!  If you try out this recipe be sure to take a photo and tag it with #DaisyFrenchie on social media!  I'd love to see and share your photos and videos with all of my friends!  Here's my first taste of Hanukkah gelt - Happy Hanukkah!:

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Please note that some of the links contained in this post are affiliate links.  That means that I get a small commission if you click and/or purchase an item through these links.  These commissions help to support my blog, as well as my bacon addiction.  Thank you for your continued support, friends! - See more at:
Please note that some of the links contained in this post are affiliate links.  That means that I get a small commission if you click and/or purchase an item through these links.  These commissions help to support my blog, as well as my bacon addiction.  Thank you for your continued support, friends! - See more at:
Please note that some of the links contained in this post are affiliate links.  That means that I get a small commission if you click and/or purchase an item through these links.  These commissions help to support my blog, as well as my bacon addiction.  Thank you for your continued support, friends! - See more at:
Please note that some of the links contained in this post are affiliate links.  That means that I get a small commission if you click and/or purchase an item through these links.  These commissions help to support my blog, as well as my bacon addiction.  Thank you for your continued support, friends! - See more at: